Monday, March 31, 2008


I don't know about you guys but for me I have to go back to school today. It is pretty depressing. I am awake for some wierd reason. i couldn't sleep very well last night. Oh well, I got to go catch the BUS.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Pullin An All-Nighter

Me and my friend Michael Guillot have been awake all night. We are so tired. it is 5:10 A.M. right now. We have been watching Full House and The Fresh Prince Of Belaire. You can tell we're nerdy because we can't wait for the early Show to come on. What time does The Early Show come on anyway? Well, Hopefully we will make it. Anyway, I just Drank A REDBULL and I think it's kicking in. So, on that note I'll let Michael type some. Sorry guys Michael is too shy to type on the blog. Oh well. It's not like we needed him to type anything.

Oh Wait hold up, Hold up. Michael decided that he was going to show yall some blogging love after all.


Hola hola hola! Michael here, and well, most of you don't even know me. I go to school with Alex, so yeah. If you don't you should be jealous. Well, not really. But yeah. After attempting to build a house of cards, playing a marathon of UNO, playing the guitar, watching some Spidey III, and bunch of other useless stuff to try and keep us awake, we thought many times of passing out. But low and behold, at 5:28, we're still kickin. So yeah. Adios, amigos!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Getting In Touch With Nature

On Sunday night I left to go camping in Percey Quin, Mississippi. I went with my mom. And trust me she is definately not a camper.I had so much fun. However I think we created a new breed of camping. We went to wal-mart 4 times. and only ate 2 of seven meals at our campsite. We were so cold in our tent. And did I mention my mom hates the cold. If it gets below 50 she puts an Eskimo jacket on. no lie. Any way on Tuesday night we had heating pads because it got down to 30 degrees. Anyway, suprisingly we survived 3 nights and 4 days by ourselves. And basicaly I did all the work. You should try it. It was a blast.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I Am The King.

Last night I went to a friend of my family, and we all played six-square. Which for those of you who don't know, is four-square with two extra squares on the end. It was so fun to see all of the people that went to my old church, Woodlawn Baptist. It was a blast. I dominated.
PLAYA WHAT. I was there till 12:00. Have you ever played four-square.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Finally . I am 13. That means I am A Teenager. I am so Excited. On My Birthday, my family through a suprise party for me at Koto's Hibatchy Grill. It Was so cool I have never done that before.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Don't Mess With The Tigers.

It Got Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Whats up guys. i am so exited you know why? Because my birthday is in 5 days March 6, 1995.

Also it is so refreshing to know that I have Someone in my life that will always be there with me. I mean sure it's great to have friends, but even a friend can hurt you. I learned that if you put your trust in drugs, alchohal, parties, or your boyfriend/girlfriend. All those things are temporary. But if you put your trust in my friend, Jesus, the only true friend. He's not temporary. and know matter what you do he will always love you. For me it is hard for me to believe, that I can mess up so many times and he still loves me. For those of you who don't know what it feels like, Yall will have to find out for yourself.Just cause I'm going to heaven doesn't mean you can take a free ride with me. You have to be Lonely, Beaten, God-seeking, And Ask God to forgive you just like I did.