Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hey Guys What's Up?

Hows it goin, i have not been on in forever. i have been so busy lately. I have been thinking about a lot of lies that we get told as we grow up.

  1. That a mom's kiss really makes a Bo-Bo feel better.
  2. That one day we will be president.
  3. that if we do good in school it will pay off in the end.
  4. An Finally that Santa Clause, The Toothe Fairy, And The Easter Bunny.

And then they tell us not to lie. I just Don't Get it.


C.D. said...

Uhhh mom's kisses totally make my bo-bo's feel better.

And the school thing, well you haven't seen it's benefits yet, but you will in the future.

As far as the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa, I can't help you with those, buddy. But I'm sure it helped your imagination as a youngster.

See you bright and early tomorrow! Peace, love, and hair grease.

Ms. D

JESUS FREAK :) said...

i know what you mean alex lol
but my mom does make me feel better every time im on crtches lol

Zack Graeser said...

out of all 14 years of my life ive never thought about it like that. im likin the new blog design

Anonymous said...

hey freak!
really freaky picture.

Anonymous said...

Haven't u noticed that Katlyn and Carly put their picture on your blog? Gosh Hardee! Now, don't go off telling' any of my secrets! -Katlyn!!

Anonymous said...

sorry! hey i am sorry for the previous comments on calling you a freak! so so so sorry!

chase said...

hey alex!
you N-E-E-d to add me to your blogroll! and i think what carly and katlyn did to is very bad. they should be ASHAMED.

Anonymous said...

You are so not as cool as you think you are.. You tottaly disgust me.. You shouuld so hang out with Ray's sister Katlyn more often.. Mayb oe of her coolness will rub off on u!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Pictures... You should definately edit the pic, at the top of yo blog. Whats up with the baby high chair, eh? Think about it...

-A Friend

Anonymous said...

I think the picture at the top is awesome! You rock Alex! The baby chair is awesome only because it's Aubrey's, [Your niece]! Love ya Alex! Katlyn, an awesome friend!

Anonymous said...

That's it. You are weird.