Well, yesterday my brother seperated his shoulder. He was riding a trail on his mountain bike, and when he went to jump a tabletop jump. he came off wrong, and was launched into the air. he tore the ligament that connects the shoulder to his collerbone. he also fractured his collerbone, and broke his scalpula. It hurts very bad. But he is definately OK.l he can walk and eat and basically do eveything. except use his right arm. So, pray for him. This is what it looks like. except this is not my brother.

Ouch!!! I'll def be praying for him. I hope everything heals up fine. Ugh, I've gotta tell you that picture looks pretty nasty lol. Well you'll have to post during his recovery. Oh and before I forget, remember to find me on Wednesday, lol I have something to tell you! lol well ttyl
Hey! Tell Lee and Mrs. Kim we're praying for yall!! We love yall so much! Love, the Daigles!!!!
hey alex, check your e-mail.
omg alex! we will be praying for him. is everything going ok
so far? it looks like it could hurt pretty bad.
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